Overview of the particulars
❏ Where? The construction workshop will take place in Untertullnerbach (Lower Austria). It takes 25 min with the S-Bahn departing from the Vienna Westbahnhof station.
❏ When? From 26 August to 31 October 2019, mo-fr, 08:00 – 17:00
❏ Duration of the phases of participation? At least one week, preferably two weeks or by individual arrangement
❏ Introduction? 26 August, 08:00 in Untertullnerbach, after that every one to two weeks depending on the number of participants.
❏ Credits? The construction workshop can be taken as a seminar by students, an internship certificate can be issued.
❏ Registration? → here
❏ Questions? Contact us via hello@vivihouse.cc
Content of the building workshop
You will learn how to work with straw bales, wood, clay and other building materials within a group of fellow enthusiasts under the professional guidance of trainers from asbn. We will focus on pre-production – weather-protected in a hall, trying out new lean production methods. We will create all the building parts for the three storey vivihouse, including facades, walls and ceilings in timber frame construction. You will learn how to work with renewable materials to build ecological and sustainable building elements for humane, healthy, environmentally friendly and low-carbon, future-proof houses and cities. By November, we will erect this building in a site in Vienna. After an opening ceremony, it will be presented to the general public, by embodying an exhibition about the construction process.
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